Scheduled for Tuesday, 25 June 2024 at 7:00 PM

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Item number Item title Time
1.0 Business of the Right Worshipful the Mayor 00:07:27
2.0 Apologies 00:08:07
3.0 Declarations of Interest 00:08:45
4.0 Council Minutes 00:09:13
4.1 Council Meeting - 28 May 2024 00:09:15
4.2 Annual Meeting of Council - 7 June 2024 00:09:39
5.0 Matters Arising 00:09:52
6.0 Deputations 00:10:07
7.0 Business Required by Statute 00:10:13
7.1 Signing of Legal Documents 00:10:18
8.0 Adoption of Committee Minutes 00:10:30
8.1 Communities & Wellbeing Committee - 4 June 2024 00:10:36
8.2 Environment & Sustainability Committee - 5 June 2024 00:12:51
8.3 Regeneration & Growth Committee - 5 June 2024 00:13:23
8.4 Corporate Services Committee - 12 June 2024 00:13:56
8.5 Governance & Audit Committee - 13 June 2024 00:14:17
8.6 Planning Committee - 13 May 2024 00:15:00
9.0 Report from Chief Executive 00:15:23
10.0 Reports from Members on Boards 00:15:26
11.0 Reports on Decisions Subject to the Reconsideration Procedure 00:15:28
12.0 Notices of Motion 00:15:31
13.0 Any Other Business 00:16:50
13.1 Passing of Mr Joe Heron, Coca-Cola HBC 00:16:52
13.2 Dreamscheme NI 20th Anniversary 00:17:27
13.3 Lisburn Half Marathon, 10K and Fun Run 00:18:14
13.4 Passing of Mr Joe Heron, Coca-Cola HBC (Cont'd) 00:18:47
13.5 Confidential Business 00:19:46
13.6 Passing of Mr Tommie Gorman, RTE Journalist 00:22:45
13.7 Confidential Business 00:23:34
14.0 Confidential Business 00:25:12
14.1 Requirement to Enter into a Section 76 Planning Agreement for Planning Application LAConfidential
14.2 Review of Judication Hearing DecisionConfidential
14.3 Lessons LearnedConfidential