Scheduled for Tuesday, 27 August 2024 at 7:00 PM

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Item number Item title Time
1.0 Business of The Right Worshipful the Mayor 00:06:18
2 Apologies 00:06:25
3 Declarations of Members' Interests 00:07:14
4.0 Council Minutes - Meeting of Council on 25 June 2024 00:07:40
5.0 Matters Arising 00:08:02
6.0 Deputations 00:08:11
7.0 Business Required by Statute 00:08:40
8.0 Adoption of Committee Minutes 00:08:44
8.1 Special Governance & Audit Committee - 27 June 2024 00:08:44
8.2 Planning Committee - 3 June 2024 (for noting) 00:09:09
8.3 Planning Committee - 5 July 2024 (for noting) 00:09:12
9.0 Report of the Chief Executive 00:09:54
9.1 Council Remote/Hybrid Meetings 00:10:04
10.0 Reports from Members on Board 00:17:14
11.0 Reports on Decisions Subject to the Reconsideration Procedure 00:17:19
12.0 Notices of Motion 00:17:25
12.1 No. 1 on the subject of Good Relations in the name of Councillor N Parker 00:17:30
13.0 Any Other Business 00:33:44
13.1 Local Sporting Achievements in Lisburn & Castlereagh and Northern Ireland 00:33:53
13.2 Local Paralympian - David Ross 00:35:20
14.0 Confidential Business 00:36:52
14.1 Delegated Authority RequestConfidential
14.2 Requirement to enter into a Section 76 Agreement in respect of Planning Application LA05/2022/0545/FConfidential
14.3 Requirement to enter into a Section 76 Agreement in respect of Planning Application LA05/2022/1170/FConfidential
14.4 Requirement to enter into a Section 76 Agreement in respect of Planning Application LA05/2022/0947/FConfidential