The Council has published Frequently Asked Questions to provide an update in relation to the abandoned dog known as Max.

We are aware of significant online discussion and inaccuracies in some of the reporting. We hope that these FAQS will provide some clarity on the current position.

1: How did Max come to be in the care of the Council?

On 10 December 2024, Max was collected in the Dundonald area as a stray dog. Following multiple attempts to locate Max’s owners, none came forward to claim him. Max was placed in DAERA approved kennels.

2: What assessments have been carried out to determine if Max is a Pit Bull Terrier Type?

To date there have been four assessments. Two were initially carried out by Council Officers in line with standard procedure and in accordance with their professional training. Following public concern, a further, independent assessment was commissioned and completed by an officer from the Merseyside Police Service. A fourth assessment was conducted by an assessor recommended by the USPCA. 

All four assessments confirmed a number of positive indicators which are used to identify a dog as Pit Bull Terrier Type.  The assessment criteria varied across the assessments. 

Three reports concluded that Max is a Pit Bull Terrier Type. The fourth assessor, whilst confirming a number of the characteristics, concluded overall that Max was not deemed a Pit Bull Terrier Type.  

Following ongoing engagement with the USPCA, behavioural assessments will be undertaken by an expert recommended by the USPCA.  

3. Can a DNA test be performed on Max to determine his breed?

A Pit Bull Terrier is not a distinct breed, but a type of dog which is identifiable through the presence of a number of physical characteristics. As such, the use of DNA testing would not determine any dog to be a Pit Bull Terrier as it is not a distinct breed.

4. Max’s parents have been reported to be a French Bulldog and Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross. Can this be considered as part of the assessment process?

Details of Max’s parentage have been reported online and information has been provided to the Council. Under the legislation, parentage is not considered and would not rule out the possibility of a dog displaying the characteristics of a Pit Bull Terrier type. 

5: Are the assessment reports available to view?

The outcome and reports from all assessments have been discussed confidentially with the USPCA.  

As we are seeking to find a solution to this matter through the courts, the assessment reports cannot be shared more widely at this time. 

6: What engagement has there been with the USPCA? 

Council Officers continue to engage regularly with the USPCA and we welcome their continued involvement. 

The USPCA has never initiated legal action against the Council and they have no plans to do so currently.  

The USPCA is supportive of the route the Council is pursuing through the courts and they recognise the positive steps that have been taken to ensure a positive outcome for Max.

7: Where is Max now?

Max is currently being cared for in our DAERA approved contracted kennels where he is safe and well. Max is well looked after and receives daily exercise at the kennels. 

DAERA guidance and current veterinary advice states that dogs should not mix freely in the confined environments of boarding establishments given the risk of injury from other dogs, disease spreading and unwanted pregnancy. 

8: Why can Max not be placed in a foster home while his situation remains under review?

Max is an abandoned dog and has no current registered owner.
Because Max has been assessed as a Pit Bull Terrier Type, it would be illegal for the Council to place him in a foster home. Article 25A(2) of The Dogs Order prohibits persons from breeding, selling, gifting, abandoning or permitting a banned dog to stray. In these circumstances, the Council would be in breach of the law if Max were to be moved to a foster home at this time. 

9: When will Max be released?

Under the current legislation it would be unlawful for the Council to release Max. He remains safe and well at our contracted kennels. We are currently engaged in a legal process to determine the way forward.  Like any legal process, it is hard to determine a definitive timeline. We will keep the public updated through our website and social media platforms. 

10: Is there an an update on the legal proceedings?

Legal proceedings have recently been issued, naming the Council as a respondent. However, the USPCA has not brought any legal challenge against the Council and continues to engage constructively with us on this matter.  

The Council is actively pursuing a resolution through the courts, aiming to secure a positive outcome for Max while complying with legal requirements. 

All parties are committed to ensuring that the court process is followed appropriately, with the aim of securing a resolution that prioritises Max’s welfare.