

Relevant legislation

Relevant legislation associated with preparation and publication of the LDP includes:

  • the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011
  • the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
  • the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004
  • the Conservation (Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995.
  • the Planning (Statement of Community Involvement) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015

Please note the above list is not exhaustive.

All legislation is available on the Department for Infrastructure’s website using this link and the Department for Environment, Agriculture and Rural Affairs (DAERA) at


Regional policy

Departmental planning policy consisting of the suite of Planning Policy Statements (PPSs) has now ceased to have effect on the adoption of the Plan Strategy.

Regional policy associated with preparation and publication of the LDP which remains relevant includes the following which can be accessed using the links below:

Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland 

Regional Development Strategy 2035

Please note the above list is not exhaustive.

All regional policy is available on the Department for Infrastructure’s website using this link

Departmental Development Plans

The Departmental Development Plans prepared by the Department for Infrastructure and its predecessor Department, remain relevant to decision making, appeals and enforcement until we adopt our Local Policies Plan.

All Departmental Development Plans are available on the Department for Infrastructure’s website using this link


Development Plan Practice Notes (DPPNs)

These are designed to guide planning officers and others engaged in the planning system through the key requirements for the preparation and adoption of a Local Development Plan (LDP) and deal primarily with procedures as well as good practice.

To view the DPPNs click this link

Retained Regional Guidance

In addition, a range of regional guidance is produced by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) relevant to decision making, planning appeals and enforcement.

You can use the relevant links below to view these.

Living Places – An Urban Stewardship and Design Guide for Northern Ireland
Building on Tradition – A Sustainable Design Guide for the Northern Ireland Countryside
Creating Places: Achieving Quality in Residential Environments
Best Practice Guidance to PPS 18 ‘Renewable Energy’
Wind Energy Development in Northern Ireland Landscapes
Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance to PPS 18 'Renewable Energy' - Anaerobic Digestion
Parking Standards
Transport Assessment

Please note the above list is not exhaustive.

All regional guidance is available on the Department for Infrastructure’s on this link