Scheduled for Monday, 3 June 2024 at 10:00 AM

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Item number Item title Time
1 Apologies 00:02:12
2 Declarations of Interest 00:03:14
3 Minutes of Meeting of Planning Committee held on 13 May, 2024 00:03:34
4 Report from the Head of Planning & Capital Development 00:03:57
4.1 Schedule of Applications 00:04:01
4.1.1 Applications to be Determined 00:05:15
(i) LA05/2020/0519/F 00:06:20
(ii) LA05/2021/1007/F 01:20:17
(iii) LA05/2022/0612/F 02:17:08
(iv) LA05/2023/0598/F 02:49:24
(v) LA05/2021/1219/F 03:52:57
(vi) LA05/2023/0174/O 04:16:01
(vii) LA05/2022/0236/O 04:40:23
4.2 Statutory Performance Indictors - April 2024 04:51:51
4.3 Update Report in relation to Older Applications 04:54:05
4.4 Pre-Application Notice (PAN) - Amendment to Y/2009/0160/F incorporating a reconfigured layout and housing types, provision of affordable housing, bus gate (providing bus only access to and from Baronscourt Road), public open space and landscaping with vehicular access via Baronscourt Road 04:56:45
4.5 Standard Advice from NIFRS for Planning Applications which include Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) 04:58:37
4.6 Letter to Chief Executive in relation to Increased Planning Fees 05:06:00
4.7 Notification by Telecommunication Operator(s) of Intention to Utilise Permitted Development Rights 05:10:50
4.8 Local Development Plan 2032 Revised Timetable 05:12:07
5 Any Other Business 05:13:48
5.1 Clarification on Timeline for Major Application Associated with LA05/2024/0252/PAN 05:13:53
5.2 Judicial Proceedings for Planning Application at Magheraconluce Road 05:14:53